20 Feb 2025

Once awhile an idea pops into mind and sharing what goes behind the scene seems like an interesting project. I am not fluent in penning down my thoughts into words I seek your kind understanding and patience.

Hello everyone, Sebastian here owner of Flagship Games. This blog post is just an avenue to share my views I don't expect anyone to read it but if so, take it with a pinch of salt. 

It was with a stroke of luck we added Pokemon as another game title to carry. A customer was searching for singles to complete his collection and it set the wheels in motion. Put up a post to buy cards, had customers who walk in to sell cards to us over the counter and we started to order products from distributor again. 

My partners brought in Grand Archive and Flesh and Blood as they enjoy the intensity those titles provide. They are experienced. With their knowledge and expertise I believe you and I are in good hands. 

If you happen to have read this I thank you for the support over the years and in years to come. We are all in it together.